May 23Liked by Kale Vogt

Love it, Kale. So fun to view this learning through your eyes. Many of us are absolutely jealous of the tutelage you're getting from Megan and Chris. When the wrists and arms and back get sore, remember: pain is weakness leaving the body. :) My kids hated me when I said that. Best!!

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Now you sound like my dad... Haha thanks, Andy. In all honesty, I still pinch myself sometimes. I'm so aware of the dream I'm living, it's not taken for granted.(My back and wrists are getting stronger, by the way.)

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Can’t wait to see the tool chest. What color?

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It's done...but you'll just have to wait for this substack to catch up to it ;-)

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Love the molding! I built two six board chests up to this point and thought I fancy something more complex, but ended up with this simple beaty of a molding on both of them. Can't wait for the final result!

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What colour is the tool chest going to be?

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Wait and see ;-)

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I hear GF is coming out with a new plaid 'milk paint'.

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You're a bad influence.

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She's becoming a tease.

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