
The only people who never make mistakes are people who never do anything.

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Jun 14Liked by Kale Vogt

This substack is simply the best reading I do every day. I feel like I'm an "Annoying Over-Commenter" but I am unable to help myself and so, I throw myself upon the mercy of the court. "Your Honor, if it please the court, I would assert that YouTube videos are also lying bitches. The defense rests."

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Jun 14Liked by Kale Vogt

I am really enjoying this substack. Thanks for sharing your learning journey.

I do have a question, why build the jointed saw benches over the staked ones? I don’t think one is better than the other I’m just curious.

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The staked sawbenches are more of a chair-building primer than a sawing and chiseling primer (which is what I consider these to be), so different lessons. The staked ones are plenty strong – but not as strong as this form with the braces underneath.

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That totally makes sense. Thanks Megan!

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Jun 14Liked by Kale Vogt

More sawing practice! All's well.

When I made my pair of sawbenches, I made the top of one much wider. I added a couple of cutouts on the side, so I can use it as a short Roman workbench. It comes in very handy.

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Jun 15Liked by Kale Vogt

Kale, thanks for sharing your journey with us. Brand new adventurous starts seem to get scarier as age/family/life-stuff accumulates but it's great to hear your thoughts as you move through and figure out which parts make sense to you! (Thanks to the editors too, for having the ... Um.. chutzpa to do what you do and to share so much with us all)

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Any chance you'd share a photo of the mentioned Danish modern book collection?

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Kale, you are short. Did you cut the legs shorter?

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Ohhhh yes haha the height of my benches are at ~17 inches. The shortest in the shop, I believe. Perfect height for my tool chest!

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