The chair is absolutely beautiful new friend! 😁

I’d like to further praise your writing because it deserves it. It’s a rather difficult thing to write concisely while maintaining readability and remaining entertaining. It’s one of the skills that, in my opinion, Chris has mastered; it’s one of the reasons I’ve read many of the books he’s authored. This was an excellent read and I look forward to reading more from you!

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You describe excellent qualities in just about any person! You didn't mention if your father is still around, but I'm sure he would be proud of you. I know I would be.

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I could just like everyone else’s comment on here, but this chair is worthy of heaping on further praise, the details really sing on this thing. The exaggerated cutaways on the arm are fantastic. The pillowing effect at the arm doubling is a cool touch.

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Great post! Love hearing your side of the experience. I’m much too old to have been considered a little jealous but still super happy for you especially that it’s working out so well. I’ve followed Chris and Megan since the very early days and now look forward to following you as well. Excited to see the build a chair from bulls%$t video. Keep it up. Good things ahead 👍

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Very nice chair. You got skills. Also interested in your finish. Thanks.

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Wonderful post. Beautiful hands on that chair. I look forward to reading about that finish. Thanks Kale.

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Kale, I teach in the art department of a major university in Texas. Being around people your age perennially allows me to grow and see the changes in each generation more or less how they are, as opposed to some model that my generation often tries to force onto each successive one. As such, I am increasingly impressed as the years go, at how each new cohort carves their own path.

You are further confirmation of a thought I've had brewing for a few years now...Gen Z is going to save us. Gen Z does things differently than we did. I feel that much of my generation has a serious case of myopia and inflexibility of thought, when it comes to their harsh judgement of those younger. Because of such inflexibility, they fail to see the value structure that Gen Z operates under...yes, you do things differently...but that is a wonderful thing. The empathy, the respect for others' differences, the recognition of diversity, the ability for abstract thought...all of this is so heartening for me to witness, and you are echoing all of these wonderful things.

So I wish you luck and success...and I wish you failure and hard lessons, cuz those matter, too...indeed more than our successes, often. My refrain in class: "You have to make bad art in order to learn to make good art," is what I mean. Keep it up.

And I've included your blog in the copious and disparate sources of info and inspo that I lay on them.

Thank you for your service.

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Nice post Kale! Your respect, humility, and joy of learning certainly are the right stuff for your apprenticeship. Chris is lucky to have you as his student. However, don't downplay ego in the mix. Without belief in yourself, you will never reach your full potential.

I do love your newest chair, especially the creativity reflected in the comb.

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This is a great post and I enjoyed reading about it and following your journey in this blog.

Echoing William in his comment regarding the finish.

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Love the arms on the chair. Glad to hear you understand that there is more to building a business than just making shavings. The picture of you and your injury is priceless. Next’s time put a little sugar in the lemonade.

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Love this, Kale. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

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A thought for you Kale....if there were templates/patterns available for just that crest and arm bow, I would 100% buy them from you.

Thanks for sharing your reflections on apprenticeship.

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That is a lovely chair, Kale! Congratulations!! Mine should look so good. You have set a high bar for me to aim for!

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Fantastic, love the whole chair!

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